Texts of all sorts, written in sentences. Mostly not long.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I don't know if you've ever had that feeling that you just can't take anymore, like your brain is on overload and nothing else can fit in, but i've been having that a lot lately. And it's really been bugging me because I couldn't figure out why. In classes I was getting frustrated because I didn't feel like i was retaining anything that was being said. But fortunately I seem to have had a revelation. It suddenly occurred to me that I never, well hardly ever, concluded anything in my head. All the things that I was thinking about were pilling up without ever being resolved. And so it came time to conclude some of my thoughts. Surprisingly it was a lot easier than I thought. Things which seem so complicated and confusing were somehow solved and this was been happening a lot. I think are minds are fairly powerful and when you can get them focused on a certain goal they have strange ways of achieving it. Many of the things that i was contemplating and pondering were of no real value to my life or attitude. My mind was being overrun by my flesh and my spirit had no chance to get in. Are minds are quite strange, but I am very thankful that I know the God who created mine, and His son Jesus who frees me of my flesh everyday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for that.

1:05 PM, January 09, 2006


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