Texts of all sorts, written in sentences. Mostly not long.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Lets start off with what i am doing at this very moment, eating cheese and drinking chocolate milk. I think that chocolate milk is probably my favorite beverage. I am a person who thinks a lot, probably too much, and keeps a lot to myself. I think this blog might help me to verbalise what i'm thinking in a constructive way. Thinking about construction, what would be better, construction or destruction? Both of them have beneficial qualities. Constructing things has a fulfilling aspirational benefit, while destructing things brings utter satisfaction. I don't think i will choose either at this moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people have spoken! they want to read more of Darren's thoughts.

1:36 AM, January 03, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet awesome. I added your blog to my personalized google homepage.

6:21 PM, January 03, 2006


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